WIP Wednesday: July 19, 2023

WIP WednesdayWIP WednesdayWIP WednesdayJuly 19, 2023July 19, 2023July 19, 2023

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Hey everyone, I’m here for a Work-In-Progress Wednesday!

Recently I’ve been doing a lot of programming, but I’ve got the first couple effects done for the next effects pack: Super Pixel Impact FX Pack 1!

This asset pack is going to be quite a bit quicker than the other effect packs, because impact effects are pretty straightforward. I’m also experimenting with drawing particles and other elements that can be reused in future effects, which would be nice!

On the programming side of things, it’s not very flashy work… yet!

I use Dear ImGui for the user interface in a lot of my different projects, and I thought I’d take a stab at extending the functionality for personal use and creating a little test area for it. A friend is also going to be joining me on the project, so that’ll be a fun change of pace! It’s pretty dry work and is mostly a refactoring job so far, but I actually enjoy it as a counterpart to the creative work I do elsewhere. It’s going to be very useful in my upcoming projects!

Finally, it was Garnet’s 10th birthday yesterday!!

Garnet had a great day! She got some new toys, she got to eat fresh green beans and a fortune cookie (one of her faves), and we played TONS of fetch!

That’s all for today- I’ll see you next week with another WIP post on Wednesday and the asset pack release on Friday!

– Will